Mon, 01 Nov 2004

Anything but Bush

Pretty please!

Tomorrow is the US Presidential Election, and unfortunately only US citizens can vote, although many, many aspects of our lives in the next four years will depend on its outcome. It sucks to be a de-facto US colony and be third-class citizens that aren't allowed to vote.

It sucks that after these long four years with Bush in office, with so many things done so wrong, half of the Americans are about to vote for him. Seeing this from Europe, it makes no sense at all: their economy is completely fucked, their environmental policies basically don't exist, and the brightest idea that has come out from the Oval Office during the last term has been the infamous preemtive war policy that all of these nuts have been enforcing.

Americans have been lied repeatedly during scandals like the Enron bankrupcy, the Medicare costs "underestimation" and the long series of Iraq's WMDs reports and war-related issues, including very obscure contracts for Cheney's company Halliburton. Unemployment has risen quite spectacularly, and the social differences in one of the most powerful economies are bigger today than in 2000. Despite of this and many other negative facts, people still trust these dudes, when all they look for is to further enrich themselves.

Bush and Cheney have killed over 10.000 iraqi people since the war started. How many of them were "terrorists"? How many were women and children who were bombed in their homes? Where is the promised freedom for Iraq, now that people can't even go out to avoid being torn apart by some random car bomb on their street? How many people are in prison without official charges against them in the name of this war against terror? What is terrorism, anyway?

If something terrorizes me tonight is the thought of four more years with this dumb ass leading, if leading is the word, the most powerful country in the planet. I really believe the future will be bloody if this madness continues.

And the worst part is that the only alternative, thanks to the braindead electoral system in the US, is only comparable to your average right wing European party. I can't imagine having to decide between the extreme-ultra-religious-right-wing and the right wing. I'd probably seek for refuge in Canada or Europe... (well, except France was in the same mess not to long ago ;)

As much as I dislike Kerry, I really hope to wake up on Wednesday with the relief of knowing the American people have kicked George W. Bush out of the White House. More than 70% of the Europeans (according to recent polls) probably share my wish... FOAD, Bush!

Fully agreed Jordi. Kerry is not a great candidate either, but I sure as hell would vote for him (or Nader) just so Bush won't get another term. Bush as the most powerful man on the planet is just plain wrong.

As for the Iraq war, it was simply a family vendeta, from where I stand.

Posted by Eugenia at Tue Nov 2 00:37:27 2004

Jordi, I hear what you're saying but any candidate that doesn't support socialism is going to be similar to Bush (more than likely even more hands-off since Bush is a moderate conservative economically).  However, America is very different from the rest of the world and this is what makes it great.  We do not believe in a powerful government in general because this is how it's been done since the dawn of time in almost every nation and it has gotten humans anywhere except the poor house and tyrranical governments that control the people.  Half of America votes for Bush because people like to be personally responsible - not having to answer to the government for simple every day things.  And this is what John Kerry respresents - loss of control through things like government controlled health care for example.  The American media is extremely biased towards the American left.  I would hope that you do not obtain your daily American news from it.  And for the record, I am voting Libertarian, not Republican.

Posted by JimmyDean at Tue Nov 2 01:11:27 2004

I totally fully agree.

for Iraq war, it's like an economical+colonial+ideology+manipulation war in one thing...

about France
there are one thing I'm proud to be french, it's we didn't go in the second irak war.  ho but we will pay for that. (as we pay for many things)

France is not in great shape. our main "right-wing" party (the ump) is more and more conservative, and some politicians of the ump are now openly "religious". (always a dangerous thing to me, to mix politics, public life and religion)

you have to understand : yes the "official" french fascist party (the FN) seems to be now quiet and not dangerous, but the right party (ump) are slowly shifting to more extreme ideas (neo-liberalism, religion, nationalism )

what  I mean is :  forget for just a few minutes the USA. maybe you should think about how european countries evolves politically,  is it sane ? is it good ?  what about your own country ?

Posted by Michel at Tue Nov 2 01:23:41 2004

>America is very different from the rest
>of the world and this is what makes it great.

I am from Greece. I have lived in Greece, Germany, UK, France and now USA. I can tell you that each one of these countries (especially Greeks and French ;) would tell you the exact same thing for themselves.

BTW, if there is one non-third-world country in the world that is truly different than the rest of the major world contries, that's Japan. :D

Personally, I am very anti-shauvinist. I love Greece, but I am also its harshest critic (many Greeks hate me for that). I don't believe that you can evolve yourself or your society around you without being truly objective (to the point of being harsh) to the goods and bads you encounter.

And while US is indeed a remarkable country, and I really love its people, USA throughout the history has a lot of answer for to the world. And Bush is one of these entities who have to answer more than other US presidents. IMHO, Bush is a bad president. And the reason why is bad is because he is not a realist: the US president is by all means and purposes the most powerful person in the world. He is the world president, we like it or not (and I am in fact ok with that). And while the FIRST duty to a US president should be USA itself, this same president should NOT forget the other countries too and act as a thoughtful powerful entity rather than a spoiled brat who invents other countries, THREATENING the rest of the countries (that "if you are not with us you are against us" crap), and ALLIENATE his US citizens to the rest of the world. THAT'S where Bush failed: seeing the bigger picture, outside of his white house and act like a Godsend person to this WORLD, not just to USA. Bush is just not intelligent enough. He didn't play the game cleverly. Clinton was more clever in this respect.

Posted by Eugenia at Tue Nov 2 01:31:02 2004

one thing :  a "strong DEMOCRATIC government" is not about to remove liberty and remove responsability

it's to have a TOOL for the COMMON good.

a tool, not ideology, a tool to a better life.  a tool to better HEALTH, a tool for LESS poverty, a tool to BETTER redistribution of wealth, a tool to better EDUCATION, a tool to Liberty and to protect what we cherish the most : freedom.

and for me, Bush seems to have restrict liberty in USA. in a few years there are more fears, the "patriot act" which is not very patriot to its own citizens, VERY BIG economicals scandals, ENRON, and what now ? chaos in Iraq.

Does someone in usa know WE DIdn't need chaos in middle-east ?! 

"However, America is very different from the rest of the world and this is what makes it great."
no  no no... America is great because of liberty, education, all the cultural wonders, the technology, the good people and many thing
and USA is NOT different of the rest of the world,  there are MANY good places in the world with many freedom and good people.
I will dare to say : Japan, UK , France, Germany, Finland to say a few.

what is really different about USA ? its power, it's so powerful its politicals choices and economics DICTATES ours.  and for many people it's frightening.  for others it's frightening to have many people afraid.  is it logical ? no , but that is.

I will not speak for Jordi Mallach, me I read some informations about USA from many medias, not all "liberals". and I compare, and see consequencies and how everybody seems to live.  I read also many forums, many blogs from foreigners , and others things.  I don't think to be more interested in the democrat party.

funny thing to think : for us foreigners, USA media seems to be extremely biased to Republican a few and mostly right-wing conservative ideas. sure, it seems Fox news concentrate all  propaganda.  others less.  but for a foreigner, democrate and republican are not so different.  Conservatives seems to be in both parties, 
more conservatives in the republican federal administration now.

Posted by Michel at Tue Nov 2 01:45:32 2004

"THAT'S where Bush failed: seeing..."
that should be
"NOT seeing..."

Posted by Eugenia at Tue Nov 2 01:51:08 2004

one thing :  a "strong DEMOCRATIC government" is not about to remove liberty and remove responsability

it's to have a TOOL for the COMMON good.

a tool, not ideology, a tool to a better life.  a tool to better HEALTH, a tool for LESS poverty, a tool to BETTER redistribution of wealth, a tool to better EDUCATION, a tool to Liberty and to protect what we cherish the most : freedom.

and for me, Bush seems to have restrict liberty in USA. in a few years there are more fears, the "patriot act" which is not very patriot to its own citizens, VERY BIG economicals scandals, ENRON, and what now ? chaos in Iraq.

Does someone in usa know WE DIdn't need chaos in middle-east ?! 

"However, America is very different from the rest of the world and this is what makes it great."
no  no no... America is great because of liberty, education, all the cultural wonders, the technology, the good people and many thing
and USA is NOT different of the rest of the world,  there are MANY good places in the world with many freedom and good people.
I will dare to say : Japan, UK , France, Germany, Finland to say a few.

what is really different about USA ? its power, it's so powerful its politicals choices and economics DICTATES ours.  and for many people it's frightening.  for others it's frightening to have many people afraid.  is it logical ? no , but that is.

I will not speak for Jordi Mallach, me I read some informations about USA from many medias, not all "liberals". and I compare, and see consequencies and how everybody seems to live.  I read also many forums, many blogs from foreigners , and others things.  I don't think to be more interested in the democrat party.

funny thing to think : for us foreigners, USA media seems to be extremely biased to Republican a few and mostly right-wing conservative ideas. sure, it seems Fox news concentrate all  propaganda.  others less.  but for a foreigner, democrate and republican are not so different.  Conservatives seems to be in both parties, 
more conservatives in the republican federal administration now.

Posted by Michel at Tue Nov 2 01:53:08 2004

one thing :  a "strong DEMOCRATIC government" is not about to remove liberty and remove responsability

it's to have a TOOL for the COMMON good.

a tool, not ideology, a tool to a better life.  a tool to better HEALTH, a tool for LESS poverty, a tool to BETTER redistribution of wealth, a tool to better EDUCATION, a tool to Liberty and to protect what we cherish the most : freedom.

and for me, Bush seems to have restrict liberty in USA. in a few years there are more fears, the "patriot act" which is not very patriot to its own citizens, VERY BIG economicals scandals, ENRON, and what now ? chaos in Iraq.

Does someone in usa know WE DIdn't need chaos in middle-east ?! 

"However, America is very different from the rest of the world and this is what makes it great."
no  no no... America is great because of liberty, education, all the cultural wonders, the technology, the good people and many thing
and USA is NOT different of the rest of the world,  there are MANY good places in the world with many freedom and good people.
I will dare to say : Japan, UK , France, Germany, Finland to say a few.

what is really different about USA ? its power, it's so powerful its politicals choices and economics DICTATES ours.  and for many people it's frightening.  for others it's frightening to have many people afraid.  is it logical ? no , but that is.

I will not speak for Jordi Mallach, me I read some informations about USA from many medias, not all "liberals". and I compare, and see consequencies and how everybody seems to live.  I read also many forums, many blogs from foreigners , and others things.  I don't think to be more interested in the democrat party.

funny thing to think : for us foreigners, USA media seems to be extremely biased to Republican a few and mostly right-wing conservative ideas. sure, it seems Fox news concentrate all  propaganda.  others less.  but for a foreigner, democrate and republican are not so different.  Conservatives seems to be in both parties, 
more conservatives in the republican federal administration now.

Posted by Michel at Tue Nov 2 01:59:45 2004

>I am from Greece. I have lived in Greece, Germany, UK, France >and now USA. I can tell you that each one of these countries >(especially Greeks and French ;) would tell you the exact same >thing for themselves.

so true!
me for example will say France thanks to the Republic ideals, neutral-religious institutions , geographical positions, culturals arts and sciences is (was ?) the greatest country in the world :)  french people I know doesn't seem to be "chauvinistic" because I can criticize many things in France), noone is annoyed :)

Posted by Michel at Tue Nov 2 02:02:01 2004

>I am from Greece. I have lived in Greece, Germany, UK, France >and now USA. I can tell you that each one of these countries >(especially Greeks and French ;) would tell you the exact same >thing for themselves.

so true!
me for example will say France thanks to the Republic ideals, neutral-religious institutions , geographical positions, culturals arts and sciences is (was ?) the greatest country in the world :)  french people I know doesn't seem to be "chauvinistic" because I can criticize many things in France), noone is annoyed :)

Posted by Michel at Tue Nov 2 02:19:57 2004

Michael, I do agree with your line:

"America is great because of liberty, education, all the cultural wonders, the technology, the good people and many thing
and USA is NOT different of the rest of the world,  there are MANY good places in the world with many freedom and good people.
I will dare to say : Japan, UK , France, Germany, Finland to say a few."

However, what's wrong with conservatism?  This is what I meant when I said America is different from the rest of the world.  Of course change is good but conservatives aren't against change.  Conservatives (as I see it) are against reckless change for the sake of change.  Christian morals and traditions are one major thing that America was founded on.  What I see in John Kerry (and almost all liberals and their liberal party platforms around the whole world) is zero respect for these things which make America great.  They don't try and stand up for religious freedom.  They do nothing nor care about these types of freedoms.  The secularism of society is something that is very bad.  Pure secularism of the world will be the end of everything that is worth living for.  I for one do not wish to live in a world like that.  I would rather live in a world like the Founding Fathers of America lived in.  One that prayed before many government meetings.  This is not government endorsement of religion.  Government endorsement of religion is when government forces someone to practice a religion or religion at all.  This is not forcing anyone, it is merely a volunteer activity that those who wanted to pray before a government meeting could do so.

Posted by JimmyDean at Tue Nov 2 02:52:20 2004

Actually, our economy is growing at the fastest rate in 20 years.  That is saying quite a bit, considering the economic hit our country took after 911.  (Speaking of which, if Kerry truly understood the terror threat, he would understand the economic impact, but he has no clue...)  Another point, Kerry is the most liberal senator in congress.  He is in no way right wing.  Moral relativism and baby murdering (partial birth abortion) are not conservative values.  Finally, each state in the union is equally important to the nation.  The electoral college protects the states with smaller populations from being overpowered by states with larger populations.  This is in no way a braindead system, but rather a very effective means of protecting the less powerful states in the union.  Don't you believe in protecting the less powerful?

Posted by Mike at Tue Nov 2 06:00:20 2004

Wow, many comments while I was sleeping. :)

Michel: In Spain, extreme right-wing has no power at all. They probably get a 1% in the elections, so they are not a problem for now. The Franco dictatorship is still too recent for many, and I hope it'll be a few years before their support starts rising again.

We've very recently switched from a quite extreme right wing government (we were the official puppets of the USA, thanks to Aznar, and the government passed laws even if most of the population were against it) to a centre-left wing government. While I wouldn't vote for the party now in power, the change has been obvious since day one.

Jimmy: well, I guess it's obvious that I don't see a Christian foundation for a country like a good thing, but I respect your views, of course. I probably prefer France's view in this respect, for example. What isn't acceptable is what, like Eugenia said, seems to be a political agenda that is guided by God. Just have a look at the language the hawks use: "evil", "infinite justice", etc. I can't trust someone that thinks he's a godsend and takes decisions based on what he thinks he understands from the bible. That, and the will to earn more and more money taking advantage of wars and killing of thousands of innocents is what drives Bush, Cheney, Ashcroft, Rumsfeld and all of these nuts to what they are doing with the world.

Mike: right, Kerry might have a few liberal points on his program, and I certainly welcome that, but the big picture looks like an average right wing European party: more Christian rethoric, monstruous war^Wdefense budget (how many people would be able to drink clean water with just 1/10th of the money dedicated to killing?), more neo-liberal economy plans, and a long etc.

Still, it's a lot better than what we've seen in the last four years, which has been terrible. Luckily Spain is out of the game now...

Posted by Jordi at Tue Nov 2 12:34:09 2004

I really don't see a reason why a "political agenda that is guided by God" is much scarier than a political agenda guided by man.  There have been good and bad from both in the past. Such a statement really just reveals a person's view on how religion informs life.

Posted by liblamb at Wed Nov 3 19:17:03 2004