Hard drive failure
On Thursday, I went up to my father's house to pick up my desktop, now that
I finally have Internet access at home so I can have permanent access to it
from a more convenient place. While I was there, I decided it'd be a good idea
to do an upgrade on my dad's box.
While I was doing this, the nfs share of the Debian mirror in the home
server that serves this blog stopped working, and I couldn't ssh in, although
the console and ICMP appeared to work. Having no monitor attached to that box,
I decided to reboot it and resolve the problem in a lame way. Had I known my
primary hard drive had decided enough is enough, I would have looked for a
monitor instead.
After reboot, the server started doing a very loud and scary noise, which
was not new to me. When the BIOS tried to probe the disk, it would not start up
and would instead whine like that. When this happened in the past, switching
the box for a few minutes and trying again was enough. Not this time, though,
it looked like it was the end.
Horrified by the fact that I had no really useful backup of /etc and /home,
I tried over and over to get it working. I plugged the HD into another old AT
box (which once served as my GNU Hurd playground), but I still got those scary
noises. At least I knew it had nothing to do with the mother board.
As it was getting late, I decided to take the HD with me, and another Maxtor
of the same size (but not exact model) with me, to have a look in office the
next day. I thought I'd have to restort to try to transplant the logic board
from the good one to the faulty disk, but before that, I realised I could try
mounting it in a USB cage. For some reason or another, this worked, and I
quickly saved thetwo partitions it contained with no read errors.
After this, I realised I had not done the copy as root, so I had lost all my
ownerships. I plugged the disk again, and re-rsynced. It still worked.
Alleviated, I went back home, copied the data to another old disk, and I don't
remember why, I tried mounting the faulty disk again. I got scary noises even
using the USB case, and no other tries have been successful, so I think it's
completely dead now, just before my final mount which saved the data.
The box is now back online, using a Seagate disk I had stored in a drawer
and with no notes on it about it having any kind of problem. I suspect I will
need to do real backups now, because the drive isn't as safe as it
hda: dma_timer_expiry: dma status == 0x20
hda: DMA timeout retry
hda: timeout waiting for DMA
hda: status error: status=0x58 { DriveReady SeekComplete DataRequest }
hda: drive not ready for command
hda: status timeout: status=0xd0 { Busy }
hda: drive not ready for command
ide0: reset: success
My little P150 needs a 6GB drive. I'll have to find one somewhere.
03:28 |
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One year of Blue Gold
Today, my
magic metro card
is one year old.
When I bought it twelve months ago, I never thought I'd be so lucky. I
don't know exact figures, but I think I've done 200 more train rides that it
should have let me, and the card should have
expired the 1st
of February. But it didn't, and I've been using it over and over throught the
year. I only was very, very careful when inserting the card or storing it
in my wallet so it wouldn't bend or be damaged in some way... it's worth a
lot of money!
While my primary means of transportation is the bicycle once again, having
this handy is a great way to save maybe 25€ every month.
The Blue Gold Rush is eternal, although time does leave marks on

The magic card, when I found its magic properties
After some hundred uses...

Go on, my blue friend!
I should find someone with equipment that can copy the data in the magnetic
band. That would rock.
20:32 |
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Charles de Gaulle, worse than the NYC Stock Exchange
Yesterday we did meet zufus and gravity for lunch, then mika joined us for
bubbles tea. There also was a somewhat unexpected couple joining the group at
that point: kiko and his sister. gravity and zufus had to go back to work
though, so it was mika, micah, kiko, zuzi and I who went for some Freedom Trail
The weather wasn't that good, and I didn't have too much time either, but we
did manage to see a few things around the centre, like the memorial grave yard
and a park with tons of fearless squirrels.
We headed back to the Acetarium, I quickly took a shower and packed, and we
left to the metro, a bit behind on my planned schedule. mika left me two stops
before the one I needed to get down in, and instructions to get to the airport
from there, using the shuttle.
It's not amusing how slow something can appear to be when you're in
a hurry. The driver of the bus said it took 5 minutes, but I had to go to the
very last stop at terminal E, and it was like an eternity. In the end, I
arrived at the terminal at 18:40, when my idea was 18:00, and I ran and ran
until I found Air France's desk. There was no queue or anything, only me.
During the flight, I tried killing time with
War of the Worlds, which was a
timekiller but nothing more, and
The Island, which I wouldn't
recommend unless you care too much about hot female characters.
After 6 hours of flight, I was in Paris, apparently on time. But the doors
opened much later that when we landed, so my connection started to be
endangered. Again, I ran and ran, from one terminal to the other, around the
chaos that is CDG. In vain, as my checkin was closed after arriving only 20
minutes before the departure.
Much annoyed, I went to the transfer desk, to discover the next flight to
València was cancelled, so the next one was the next morning. The quick
alternative via Madrid was full, so I now have tickets for CDG-BCN-VLC, which
is extending my travel plan in 7 very nice hours.
I have no idea of where my luggage is, but at this point I don't care. I
only wonder at what time I'll get sleep. What I do know, is that these fucking
idiots claim there is free wireless in this spot of Terminal 2F, but it's not
true at all.
10:21 |
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Not that Cambridge
As predicted, the morning was not productive at all. At one point I slightly
became concious and saw sladen fetching his bike, opening the door and telling
me "Back in two hours!". We didn't know anything about him until 24 hours
later. As we started waking up, we tried to think of a plan for the day. The
morning was gone, though.
Clint took us to a restaurant two blocks away for breakfast, or actually
brunch, because that was the only food in many hours. I ate some "pancakes"
with banana in them, and barely could finish them; they are very filling. We
went to the promenade for a last look at the Manhattan skyline and took some
pictures while we tried to figure out what to do.

A last view over Manhattan
Mako was developing a plan in secret, though, which involved micah and his
car. Micah found out soon after. We went back to Clint's, expecting to find
sladen somewhere, but we didn't. I packed my things, and when we really needed
to go, we resolved to put his things in the entrance so he could find then and
do whatever he wanted on his return.
We went on the Metro to Union Square, where, hear this helix, I saw TONS of
raperos doing their break-dance thing (ok, maybe not tons, but I did see them).
And two blocks away, we arrived to the most incredible book store.
Mako has blogged many times about buying very rare books at the Strand for
ridiculous prices, but this was totally unexpected. The Strand is
huge. On the outside, there's carts with hundreds of second-hand
books, all for one dollar. Mako used to go there and browse the books to find
interesting stuff. The Acetarium is full of them! Most of the dollar books are
total crap though. A very high percent talk about god, religion, "our troops"
and stuff like that. Mentally filtering what might be good and what is not is
not easy when you haven't done it before.
Mako started scanning the shelves as soon as we arrived, and every now and
them he'd pick some totally stupid title. I was on my own shelf, missing many
good stuff, while mika, Clint and mako did their own. Clint found quite a few
titles, but mako didn't find anything good. I got lucky though, and found the
precious book of the day: The Spanish Anarchists. The heroic years
1868-1936, by Murray Bookchin. Although old, it was in very good condition,
and mako immediately asked if I was taking it. :) I won!
The inside of the Strand was incredible too. Three very big floors packed
with books, plus the half-priced "reviewer's copies" at the basement. I was
totally overwhelmed by the amount of books I'd be interested in buying, and the
limited weight I should be carrying back, so I did my best not to look too
For a few hours, I didn't have a too clear idea of what mako's plans were.
At some point, micah phoned him and we rushed to the PATH, the train that goes
to New Jersey. Apparently we were meeting micah at Newark, but I still didn't
know why we had to go there. During our ride, I could see how pleasant New
Jersey is to the human eye. Miles and miles of heavy industries. I'm pretty
sure it's the ugliest place I've ever seen. What I couldn't see, and I'm still
disappointed, is any of the viciously arrogant rats of the New York metro
system. Mako had told me about how they look at you, like saying "if you come
down here, you'll be left with 9 fingers", and the incredible number of them on
the tracks. Unfortunately I couldn't see any. I blame Michael Bloomberg.
At Newark, micah appeared in his car, and we all hopped into it. We
apparently were going by car to Boston... including Clint. I was puzzled, as he
had to work on Monday, but he'd said that he'd simply "come back". There was a
problem though, mako had dilinger's keys, and he was going back to NYC from
Boston, and we didn't have time to get to Boston before he left, so we had to
find a way of leaving the keys in NYC so he could get into his appartment.
Finally, mako resolved that Clint would be left in a cold street, in a rough
area of NYC, and he would handle the keys problem. I still didn't understand
what was going on.
We headed North, and I quickly fell asleep on mika's lap. I'm getting old.
When the car stopped again and I suddenly woke up, I looked ahead and...
HORROR! We were at the door of a McDonads. WTF WAS GOING ON? So it seems that
when you're on the road, there's no much other choice than shit food. After a
quick discussion with mako about how badly those burgers taste, I quickly went
back to sleep, until we were in Boston. It took a while to find a parking spot,
because all of them "permit only". It's impossible to park if you come from
somewhere else.
I was finally at the Acetarium, a
very cool flat in Cambridge, 15 minutes away from the MIT. It was 3:30 in the morning.
The day after, we woke up pretty late, and as I opened my laptop and found a
privmsg from sladen, he was was knocking at the door. This man has an
incredible ability to disappear and reappear when he's most unexpected.
Apparently he managed to grab his stuff in NYC, fetch the bus and arrive at 2AM
in Boston, meeting dilinger at the station, and mako as he went out to MIT.
micah and I went to explore Boston, but never managed. We consumed a few
hours when trying to ship some equipment to micah's colo, and then trying to
find food. When we were ready to go, micah got a very badly timed call, which
made him go back to the Acetarium: a server at work was dying or dead. At one
point, it was late enough that going to Boston wasn't worth it, so we went to
visit the Media Lab instead.
On our way there, micah and I kept chatting about this and that, and found
out how small the internet is. We both know a bunch of common people from
uncommon places like Perú, from our involvement in social projects in the net
like Indymedia and Sindominio.net.
The MIT is incredible, specially the Stata Center by Frank Gehry. We
wandered around as we only got voice mail from mako, until an hour later we
found we was like 20 metres away from us. He gave us a tour through the Media
lab, and it was incredible. I had never seen something like that. Every lab was
colourful and fun, and very cool developments were going on everywhere. I also
saw the coolest mame box ever, with an arcade case and everything.

The Stata Center, right next to the Media Lab
After the tour, micah and I headed back, while sladen stayed to have a look
at one of mako's projects. When we got back to the flat, there were a few
people already there for mika's sushi party, and I rolled my first sushi rolls,
which was fun. A bunch of Debian people joined us, including zufus and gravity,
and had a great chat with them. The party ended way too late and after too many
sladen used his secret disappearing abilities, and a few colleagues from
mako crashed, so there was a bit of overbooking. Mako's solution was simple.
mika, him and I could share their bed.
I can't say I have slept too much, because mako would keep pulling the
blanket and leave me out in the cold, and I was trying not to squish mika. But
it went ok, although we discovered too late that mika was hot while I was cold,
and we swapped our places just before we ended up waking up.
Today, we'll go find the Freedom Trail and walk a bit around it, meet
gravity and zufus for lunch, and I will sadly have to go back to Cambridge,
quickly pack and head to the airport to catch my plane. My hours in North
America are expiring.
17:06 |
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The source of all evil
Yesterday was a very, very intense day, and I had lots of fun.
Clint, sladen and I headed to Chinatown walking, with a few detours to be
able to checkout Manhattan's skyline. The view from the other shore is awesome,
even with the two towers missing. When I compare the current view with how it
was four years ago, I understand how much the city has changed without them.
They were so impressively big that I just can't picture them too well in my

The skyline of South Manhattan
We walked over the Brooklyn bridge, giving me other very cool views of
Manhattan, while I hammered Clint with questions about this and that. I saw
that since 9/11, you can't go past the Town Hall. "Security reasons", of
course. I was very surprised to see police cars in every single street. It's
like a Police State, and if you ask me, it didn't make me feel safer.
After some walk, we finally got in Chinatown, which is the craziest place
ever. People sell stuff on the sidewalks, and many streets are packed with
people. We had to meet with micah, biella, dilinger and his cat at some Chinese
place for breakfast/lunch. The place, as Chinatown itself, was crazy. As soon
as we sat down a few waitresses landed a few plates on the table, without
asking or anything. A few minutes later I could see that the way they serve you
is going around with carts with lost of food, and you either want it or
We left dilinger at the metro station, and moved on to the SoHo. I wanted to
go to the SoHo Apple Store to see if they knew about replacement Spanish
keyboards for my Powerbook. My powerbook was bought in the US last year, so it
has a US keyboard. This is mostly ok, but only mostly as it's missing a
After SoHo, we went back to Chinatown to pick up bubbles. It was nice to see
her after Debconf, and she made the effort to come just for a few hours even if
she was ill and had lots to do in Philly. We headed to South Street Port, where
I had a long chat about Cuba with micah while we sat on a bench looking at
Brooklyn bridge.
And then, we gathered all our braveness and headed to the heart of the
beast, to the kernel of the system. We walked into the Financial District, and
soon enough I was walking in Wall Street no less. If I breathed hard, I could
smell the money. The road was paved in gold, and there were skyscrapers
everywhere. I discovered the rulers of this world had opened a "public space"
in JP Morgan's building. To their despair, probably, it had been taken over by
the poor. I wonder what Bloomberg will do about it.
As I walked up the street, a strange feeling in my heart grew and grew,
until, behind a corner, I saw it. The source of all evil was ahead of me,
guarded by George Washington himself.

The New York Stock exchange and its black evil aura of Capitalism
I was standing ahead of this building where so many people behave like
bastards everyday, pushing millions to povery for a bit more profit margin. The
doors were closed and surrounded by security officers, which despite being
asked politely, didn't let us in for "security reasons".
Next to it was the Church of Capitalism, at the end of the street. It's
curious that such an old church still stands where it was build near the
harbour probably a century ago, now surrounded by some of the most modern and
tallest buildings in the planet. And then, we visited the bull, which I didn't
know is the "friendly" symbol of how Capitalism works.

I had Capitalism by the balls
We moved down to Battery Square, past the old US Customs building with the
four statues representing the four continents. We saw the damaged sculpture
which lived in the WTC, and sat down at the pier to watch a beautiful sunset
over the Statue of Liberty.

The Statue of Liberty seen from South Manhattan
At that point, biella and micah had to meet some friends at one cinema to
see the Wal-Mart documentary. We went to a funky place to have some tea,
decided to go see Times Square and then walk to Central Park. At the time, mako
was arriving to NYC on the Chinatown bus, so we agreed to meet in a restaurant
to have lunch. Paul Sladen finally managed to get lost, after many tries during
the day, and wasn't seen until we got back home.
Mako and Mika waited for us at the door of an... ethiopian restaurant in the
SoHo, despite Mako knows I can't stand spicy food. But in the end it wasn't so
bad, I just needed a few more glasses of water than average. And I finally got
to know mika, after lots of time of chatting over IRC. Greg, SPI's lawyer, also
appeared, and was a nice addition to the group.
Mako knew where to take us after that. The Belgian bar was packed, but there
was a private party in one of the spaces and we took over some of that space.
After a few rounds, we were ready to leave the pub and go for Falafel and some
tea. I was terribly falling asleep though, so instead of tea we took a cap back
to Brooklyn, where we found Paul waiting at the door.
After an hour of inflating a mattress, we were ready for sleep, at 4AM. It
didn't look like the morning after would be very productive...
11:51 |
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Good Morning New York!
After a not-so-easy ride with James Blackwell, and the last minute surprise
of Paul Sladen joining us, we arrived in New York. The sky was dark
Instead of arriving at 15:00 or so as expected, we arrived at something like
20:00. Behind, we had left great perils like an empty gas tank and finding no
gas station, and noticing one tire could use some pumping; evil officials at
the US border not liking the fact that it was the first time I entered the
country, which involved fingerprints and a smily face at the customs offices
after a long wait; a great meal (after a long wait to get served) at probably
the best restaurant in the whole State of New York; the three of us becoming
terribly sleepy half an hour after resuming the drive, and having to stop for a
short nap and stopping for gas once again around 70 miles away from NYC.
When we did arrive, we managed to get lost a few times around the city. We
crossed four bridges on our way to Brooklyn, which accidentally let me admire
the Manhattan skyline by night, and finally, got to Clint's place.
When we were parking, I noticed the tire was mostly flat now. Surely not the
best way to land in the city. We also found out Clint and the rest had left for
dinner after a long wait, as neither they or us expected to arrive so late, and
we were way too freaked out with the crazy traffic and finding our way to phone
After a while, both problems were sorted out; Clint appeared and James was
able to leave. James, thanks for all you did! I owe you a big one next time! We
spent some time with Clint, dilinger, biella and micah, saw the great view of
Manhattan from the roof of his appartment, and eventually went to bed.
Apparently, they are taking me to a place called "Dim Sum" for breakfast. I
wonder how dilinger's cat tastes.
15:56 |
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The East Coast Road Trip
Tomorrow I leave Montréal, Québec and Canada and will move down to the US,
on my way to New York City. This part of my stay in North America is a bit
(others would rather say "totally")
improvised, and the plans are not too accurate even now, 8 hours before our
The first idea for this was to travel on a night bus from Montréal to
Boston, meet mako and
mika and then move to New York City
during the weekend.
The unavailability of any buses that did this route in less than thirteen hours made me look for alternatives. Chatting with mdz, I found out he was flying
with Mark and Jane to NYC
very early on Friday night, on the private jet. Sounded like a plan.
Only it had a big flaw: non commercial flights entering the US require
visas for everyone aboard, apparently. If you don't have it, the reports
say you're really, really fucked up. So, having no visa as I don't need it
in normal conditions, this was discarded too.
Finally I learned that jblack was driving down to Pennsylvania after
the conference. I asked him if it was possible to go with him on his way
South, and he said yes. He could drop me in the nearest point to Boston, or
drive me straight to NYC. As NYC is the easiest for me and jblack and
Clint has no problem with hosting me
one extra day, that's what we're going to do.
(After having everything more or less clear, Paul Sladen came along and
proposed yet another plan involving a bicycle and hitch-hiking. I was able to
say no, though.)
Here starts this crazy road trip. Wish me luck, and see you in NYC!
07:26 |
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Better not comment
Lately, there's a clear trend in my webserver stats. Since mid September,
the top three search strings for oskuro.net are:
- Naked men (with like 60% of occurrences)
- Fernando Alonso
- Skinny dipping
I'm glad I never posted about Leonor...
06:56 |
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Discovering Montréal
It's been a week since I arrived in Montréal, and had not had a free minute
to blog about it. There's tons of things to write about, the activity and fun
has been mostly non-stop.
The travelling wasn't perfect, as always I could not sleep a single minute.
Instead, I watched Charlie and the
Chocolate Factory, which I had wanted to see for some time and was nice,
and Batman Begins, which was
positively surprising, being a Batman movie.
When I arrived at Montréal's airport, the fun started soon enough. Coming
from Spain and having this scary looking face and beard didn't help much to
survive customs. When I got in the line and handed my arrival card, I was
sent to the immigration office straight away. I was asked what I was coming to
Canada for. "To a computer conference", I said. Well, having no
"invitation" or anything for this conference made me a quick suspect. After
being freed, I walked on my way out, and on the next control, I had my bag
searched. And again... "Do you have any document about this conference?". And
then, to the real baggage inspection room.
As the guy started opening my bag, I suddenly remembered about the
fuet I was carrying for Vicente, while I had said, confidently, "No I
don't carry any food" in my card. Luckily he saw I was carrying a DragonLance
book, liked it and let me go.
The next thing was, while waiting for the bus that should take me to
Downtown Montréal, my first conversation with a non-airport staff Canadian. So
this old woman in her seventies comes along... and the first thing she says...
"I hate those fucking moslems". I try to not look too much like "WTF!?" and
without replying, listen to this totally moronic and racist monologue about how
moslems in Canada come to the country to not work and live of the country's
welfare. "Why should they work? They stay at home, and watch TV and fuck.
That's all they do. The more kids they have, the more money they get. I don't
believe in welfare". So I got on the bus quite shocked.
After a bus trip and lots of walking due to forgetting I had to get on
another one, I got into the hotel, and started meeting all the people. My first
dinner was with Gustavo, Salgado and Carlos, and I felt I wanted to die, I
couldn't keep my eyes open. The conference started next morning for me, and has
been the usual dynamic as always, only that now it's the first time that I
really find myself somewhat useful during the sessions. :)
Meeting mdz and kiko happened that morning. That was when all kinds of stuff
started to happen. Why do I have to get such bad influences?

Kiko and I managed to not fall over while taking all of these pics in Mont Royal
23:45 |
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Installing GNOME 2.12 in Debian
GNOME 2.12 is mostly in experimental now (for i386, builds for powerpc are
very welcome), only missing a control center and gnome-panel upload, plus
gal being ACCEPTed so evolution 2.4 can be installed.
Trying these packages is easy: on an up to date unstable system, just
apt-get install -t experimental gnome-desktop-environment
Due to a dbus transition, you might get some packages removed if they don't
have an experimental build using the new versions. In many cases, there's
nothing we can do about it so it's a matter of waiting.
The good news is that KDE has finally entered testing, so I'd expect that
we'll be able to upload all of these packages to unstable quite soon.
Hopefully before April, when GNOME 2.14 is due. :)
Update: By the way, in case you're still cursing about that major
evolution breakage the other day... yes, it was totally me to blame. :)
00:24 |
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