Yesterday one of my free software halves was very, very happy, because after a lot of work, GNOME 3 was released!
I've been following GNOME 3.0's development since Debian got the first GNOME Shell snapshots uploaded to experimental. While my first experience, on an old, 2 or 3 generations behind Athlon 800MHz with 512MB of RAM was horrid due to the lack of features (it wasn't even an alpha!) and the incredible slowness due to the crappy Radeon 9200, I've seen it evolve to the gem that was released yesterday.
I haven't been so excited about GNOME since GTK+ and GNOME 2.0 were
released after their eternal development cycle, and was happy to see how
positive the atmosphere in #gnome-hackers
was last night when
vuntz sent the email and
everyone was able to relax after a very long sprint of hard work.
Congratulations everyone, because not only this a great, solid release, but it's also a brave one. Change does not come without resistance, but I am very sure the path GNOME opened last night has a bright and innovative future. I will be delighted to walk this path to enjoy it!