Why belocs-locales-data is a good thing
Many people involved in Free Software i18n know dealing with changes to
locale data from glibc is a major pain. Changes take a lot of time to trickle
into upstream glibc, and most distributions ship with a big number of
patches to these files.
Denis Barbier has been doing lots of work on improving the situation by
working around this bottleneck, and has been maintaining
belocs, a fork of these files
which aims to bring speedy fixes to locale data in Debian.
During Debconf5, he gave
a talk about the
internals of the locale data format,
which was pretty interesting, and I used the opportunity to get a pair of
locales, Catalan for Andorra and Catalan for France, which I had written some
months ago. Shortly after Debconf, belocs
This, and a little hacking on d-i Sergio has been doing lately for LliureX,
mostly consisting on making d-i use belocs instead of glibc locales, results
on a debian-installer that knows that Catalan is not only spoken in the
Principat de Catalunya. :)

I wonder how many people reading this knew Andorra exists
(On a minor note, posting this screenshot made me find a translation bug...
which I could only find now that d-i shows this dialog for Catalan...)
14:24 |
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Debconf finally ended for me, and I am now sitting in Paris-CDG, the very
friendly airport with not enough benches for people to sit on while waiting;
or wireless, or even plugs for when you run short on battery. Luckily I found
a hidden plug in the stairway to one of the boarding gates. If you are leaving
Helsinki via CDG and have a few hours to kill, you can use these two plugs
which are in front of check-in #6, in gate D78/79. Only 4 hours of wait to
I've been in Otaniemi for the whole
Debconf, after arriving late on
Saturday. It has been fantastic. Better than my very best expectations.
Besides doing all sorts of stuff, like nearly getting
killed by the cabal
or voluntarily risking my life in the
stupidest adventure
of the entire Debconf, I've been doing other things. I've attended some very
interesting talks and bofs, although admittedly I haven't made it to any of
the 9AM talks (except Jeroen's, which I happily slept through as the video guys
had the kindness to record for posterity) because night life in Otaniemi is quite intense.
More important than the work done in talks, bofs and small meetings
in the Smökki, has been for me the social part of the conference. I have met
many people -the list is way too long- I've been working with or chatting for
years, and had never seen in Real Life before. The atmosphere you could feel
between the Debian Developers and other Debian community members during the
week is something that will help me renew energies to keep working on my Debian
tasks, and will make me start thinking of Mexico for next year.
I have specially enjoyed some of the features Finland introduced in
this Debconf, like all the sauna and naked swimming dipping in the pond we've
enjoyed throughout the week. Stuff like this really helps making friends and
socialising with your project mates, and is very enjoyable if you come from
countries where nakedness, far from being as natural as it is in Scandinavia,
is nearly a taboo.
The campus where Debconf took place at Otaniemi was also fantastic, being
brand new, just 100 metres away from the sea, virtually inside a forest, and
relatively well connected to Helsinki. Had I not fucked up my leg, I would
have also been able to take advantage of the athletics field that will be
used in the paralympic championships next month, and run through the forest
to discover what was around the campus.
The nights, as I said earlier, have been a source of many anecdotes. A few
days I went back to Helsinki to sleep a bit more than what you could in
Otaniemi not having a room, but after leaving early for the last bus and
missing the spontaneous Alcohols of the World party one of the first
nights, I decided to stay there to sleep, in whatever corner I could find.
This generally has meant going to bed at 5 or so every day, except for the
last two days, when I just didn't sleep at all.
One day was the now famous
Ubuntu chorus
day, led by mdz and sabdfl, which woke up the entire debconf at 4AM, and
never ended until 8, when a few people sneaked into the hotel and had a big
breakfast. Sorry about that guys, next year we'll have practiced in
advance and at least it will be something resembling to music. :) Before the
singing, a large group of people had moved to Helsinki to find some cool club.
Soon the group split in two, and I ended in the so called "Ice Bar", which
was... cold. Way to early, at 3:30, we were kicked out from the place and
while standing in the line to take taxis, a request to climb Thom ended up in a
few people doing human castles in the middle of the street, climbing lamp posts
and other "I am bored and a bit drunk" kinds of stuff.
The second night, after barely no sleep (if you don't count the two hours
of sleep under direct sunlight, thanks to madduck), a group led by Mako went
to a club, and there was dancing for over 4 hours. I think I should have
stayed at Otaniemi because, being so tired, after a while I was just waiting
for the closing hour to go back. When we finally did, at 4:30 or so, people
were already waiting for their taxis or packing their stuff. My idea was to go
swimming and see the sunrise, but it was a bit too late for that, and after
saying goodbye to everyone that was already awake, I was lucky to find data
who was about to drive the van to the airport, so I even saved quite a bit in
a taxi drive.
In short, this has been one of those weeks that you wish it never ended,
in some ways eye opening and quite productive in many aspects. Thanks to all
of the organisers like data, gwolf, marga, Andreas and the rest of the team
who have made it work so smoothly, despite of the huge amount of people who
attended. You make Debconfs rock!
I can't wait to get to València and sleep 10 hours for the first time in a
long time. It won't be easy to get back to work tomorrow after all of this.
15:40 |
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The Piano & the Guitar
It is a great and relaxing surprise to go down to the Video Room and find
Matt and Hanna playing the guitar and the piano. The best way to have a quick
peek at your e-mail near this source of live piano classical music or more
modern guitar music accompained by the singing of Matt and Clint.

Hanna calms down the geeky hordes
21:27 |
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Wasting translation energy
Sitting with mako in the auditorium, I decided
I'm going to waste the little translation energy I've gathered in the
last 3 months to translate a window manager, ion3, I will never use, only to
get mako to use it in Catalan. Of course, Mako doesn't speak a word of Catalan
(except for common phrases like "Ara mes que mai un sol crit nos fara recuperar
la dignitat. ¡¡LLENGUA VALENCIANA MAI CATALANA!!"¹), so my only purpose is
quite stupid after all.
I need to decide if I write correct Catalan, or use the Blaverian variant
instead. Doing the latter would be even more stupid.
14:42 |
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Pop The Trunk
Last night, three brave adventurers did what many Debconfers haven't dared
to do... and they did it at 2AM. Matt Zimmerman, Martin Krafft and Jordi
Mallach decided (some helped by alcohol) that it was time to visit the
other side.

The other side is quite far away
During one of the hot sauna/skinny swimming in the lak^ocean cycles, I said
(once again) that I was going to cross to the other side. The bad news is that
Matt picked up the challenge and started swimming, followed by Martin. When
we were nearly halfway, we had a little aquatic meeting. There were four
alternatives to proceed with:
- Be reasonable and go back. Enough is enough
- Go all the way to the other side, in the darkest hour of the Finnish night
(which, OK, is not that dark) and grab a taxi, paid by Mako, to take us back
to Otaniemi
- Go all the way to the other side and walk all the way back along the high
- Swim all the way to the other side, rest a few minutes while we could
bear with the cold temperature and swim the other way back
Looking for a taxi seemed the most fun option, but really: is it actually
POSSIBLE to find one for three naked men who don't speak a single word of
Finnish, in the middle of the night, and when we (very obviously) are not
carrying any money?
Walking all the way back would be feasible, but meant walking quite a few
kilometres while getting the worst cold ever.
So we were down to two choices: going back or being real adventurers and
tell the rest that we did it. An hour or so after leaving the pier, the three
brave men were walking back to the sauna, filled with pride after swimming the
800 metres to the other
shore and back.
We tried to carry some stone from the other shore as evidence, but having
no pockets made it difficult. In the end, the only evidence is Matt's bruised
feet, which he harmed when walking over some sharp stones at the other

The only reward was harmful stones and coldness
09:23 |
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Have you been run over by elmo?
If you haven't in the past, lucky you. Yesterday a bunch of people went to
play frisbee. At some point of the game, my team mate elmo and I ran to catch
the frisbee and I was unlucky to accidentally be hit by his knee on my right
quadricep. Clearly James on evil_elmo mode.

elmo and me, during the happy days before the incident
At first I thought it was ok, but a few minutes later I had to stop playing
because the pain was getting worse. When I went back to HUT,
Beowulf and the other Spanish
crowd would start saying I was acting and I was a "nenaza", but the truth is
that during the night, whenever I moved my leg slightly, I would be awaken
by pain.
As I expected that the pain would be gone today, and it's actually worse, I
have looked into getting someone who knows a bit of these injuries a look at my
leg. I have no bruise or any mark where the impact happened, so I fear my
muscle is fucked up in some way as only walking short distances is difficult
and painful. My mother, who is a nurse, told me to buy some paracetamol. I
considered going to a hospital, but I don't have my medical insurance papers so
I'll try to look for alternatives before that.
I guess this will end up in someone saying "it'll get better in a few days",
but it's the first time I get such an intense pain like this one in a very
localised muscle, so I'd better take care before I get back to València. This
sucks, I wanted to go running during the week. I hope I can still swim in the
evenings... I'll find out soon.
13:26 |
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Je t'aime, Charles
What do most people that came to
Debconf via Paris have in
common? We all lost our luggage.
After very quickly packing my stuff up, including a number of glass bottles
for some people who will get them if they are nice to me (hi helix!), I managed
to arrive well ahead in time to València's airport. I checked in, arrived
to Paris-CDG with a very short time frame to change planes. I quickly got off
the plane from València and followed quite blindly the indications to
"flight connections", and suddenly I nearly was in the street. I started to get
a bit nervious, not knowing too well were to go. I finally found the Finnair
desk, and was the last one to check in for the plane and board.
This had a positive effect: I quickly stumbled upon
jacobo, and we both had last minute seats
in business class. During the flight I had time to have fun with a pen that
spilled ink all over the place, I managed to spill my tea all over the place,
and accidentally fell asleep for half an hour or so.
At the airport, we waited at the baggage claim area for our bags, in vain.
Denis Barbier, Jacobo and I didn't get ours, but at least they managed to get
them back later during the evening. Mine will have to wait until tomorrow
evening, who knows why, so I have no clothes, toothbrush or anything until
then, and what's worse, I fear so much the oil bottle will end up breaking
and fuck up all my clothes.
After leaving my stuff at Guillem's place, we went to Otaniemi, and I met
a big number of people, including
Incidentally, a big number of them had lost their luggage some days before,
too. It's nice to see people I have never seen in person before. I'm really
going to enjoy this.
By the way, it's 3:30 in the morning as I finish this entry and I'd swear
the sky was never completely back tonight. It's probably getting lighter
already outside!
02:57 |
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Going to Helsinki
My flight hopefully will take off in 12:10h, and I haven't packed up
anything for my week at Debconf.
I'm actually waiting for the laundry to be dry tomrorow morning so I have
*something* to pack up, but in the end it seems like the preparation of
this trip is going to be so Jordi-style again, totally unplanned in advance.
Hopefully I won't forget anything while I rush to get stuff in place tomorrow
morning. I know that some people would hate me forgetting the oil bottles... I
really hope I can fit them in my bag without to many troubles! I keep having
this vision of my bag appearing in the luggage pickup area in Helsinki's
airport, pouring out a dense, golden liquid. If that happens, I hope
you have plenty of clothes at home, Guillem. :)
See you in HEL, or for a few unlucky guys, at Paris CDG!
00:19 |
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Visit to London
I was lucky to be in London again last week, just before the lunatics
probably disrupted the city pulse for a few months. Last weekend, from Friday
1st to Sunday 3rd, Canonical held the first
Edubuntu summit, in preparation for
their first release next October. Mark invited quite a few people involved in
the development and deployment of Free Software in educational environments,
including, among others, known faces like pere and Knut from
Skolelinux, Juan Conde from
Guadalinex, Quim Gil from
Interactors and others from the
K12LTSP or
Schooltool projects. There were also
a few teachers from the UK, and mdz, ogra, JaneW and Mark from
Ubuntu. My boss Silvia Caballer also
attended and presented the background and future direction of
LliureX, our own regional project.
Belén and I arrived at Stansted around 40 minutes late, which proved to be
critical to not catch the last underground train and be forced to try the
nightly bus service. At Oxford Street, we tried to get into a few of the
possible routes, but the drivers kept telling us that one wouldn't take us
to Earl's Court, and we waited for the next one, and the driver would tell us
it was the other one we should take. After one and a half hours of bus ping
pong, and when I was totally freezing in the street, we decided to pick a taxi
and go to the hotel as soon as possible. After some wait, a car that didn't
look like a taxi at all stopped nearby and offered to take us. I tried to
negotiate the fare before getting in, but the driver said there was nothing to
talk about: £25. I prefered that to the cold I was incubating.
After the sessions, we'd go out for a walk around the city. On Friday, Juan,
Juanjo, Quim, Belén and I went to a Malasian restaurant Quim recommended and
we had difficulties finishing our plates and for dessert, we had some cider in
an old tavern near the restaurant. The next day, Belén and I met one of her
friends in Notting Hill and had dinner in an Iraqi restaurant which had
a dude with an organ playing such a loud music that it was difficult to talk
across the table. On Sunday, as the summit ended early, Petter, Knut, Jane,
Matt, Ogra and us went for a walk around the Thames and a nearby park, but
the group kept losing members as their flight hour approached.
In the end, it was Belén, Matt and me, so we headed to the Soho to look for
a cheap and good Chinese restaurant, where we had dinner quite early, as the
plan was to go to bed early because we had to wake up very soon to catch a
plane at 7AM. After fighting with the chopsticks, we went for a walk around
the area, and tried to phone some of the Debian guys around London. We were
unlucky, elmo and
thom were away, and we
didn't have Ross's number, so
the three of us ended up in another tavern driving beers and cider. When I
was starting to feel drunk, Matt had enough common sense to suggest we went
back to our hotel. Too late: after packing up, we had two fantastic hours
of sleep before the alarms went off. We picked a taxi at 5AM which dropped us
at Stansted for only £65. WTF!
Exhausted, and again frozen by the plane's air conditioning, we were back
in Valencia at 11 on Monday. Just a few days later we learned about the
horror in some of the stations we were around just the weekend before. What
a weird feeling.
23:21 |
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