Yesterday, mako did something
really important. It's actually something this conference will be remembered
for... After much planning and procrastinating, we finally moved the server
(no, this link won't work with GNOME yet, but
GTetrinet surely accepts
patches, thanks ;) from my shitty Pentium 150Mhz, crappy ADSL-connected box
to his very cool server at At the time of this writing, Mako
probably hasn't ported the server configuration from natura to the new box,
but it should happen soon. We discussed about resetting the highscores or
leaving them as they are, and for now we'll not touch them. Our past tetrinet
Gods can rest happily.
I guess mako and I can try to do some tetrinet contest tonight, in order
to kick some ass after the Mao experience. We'll see.
Tuesday 10th
Woke up at 8:15, looked out the window... DAMN IT, Still raining!
So Tuesday could have started a bit better. There was a very interesting
talk by mvo and jdub on package
management stuff, and then I entered NMU mode again. The tiff transitions is
about to be completed, after a I uploaded a "fixed" jadetex ("fixed", because
today I found out the NMU got reverted, and discussion is underway to see what
needs to be done. After doing gnobog, only ivtools and grass are left. I'm
currently doing a grass build, while it seems ivtools will be fixed by the
maintainer. At some point in the morning, I discovered the sky is also blue in
the UK, as it finally cleared. Lunch was very good, and as it's self-service,
it was pretty quick too. :) During the evening I continued with some NMUs and
had some fun as jdub and mdz did some test installs of some well-known
commercial distros. Jeff was quite amused by the lack of polish of some parts
of their installers.
One hour before lunch, I finally decided to stop sitting and eating and do
something about next week's triathlon. I asked at reception if there's some
nice place where I can run that isn't all asfalt (bad for my periostitis), but
she said there wasn't any. They suggested me going to the right side as soon as
I went out the hotel, and so I did. Just a few hundred metres away I crossed a
channel filled with boats, and continued down the road, out of the urban area.
There was no traffic, but still, not being used at running at the right side I
jumped into a narrow trail just at the edge of the road, in an attempt to run
on soft surface. That proved to be a bad idea, as not much later I stepped on
a rock hiding behind the overgrown grass and I nearly break my ankle. Luckily
all my body elasticity appears to be concentrated there, so it only was a
warning to get out of there. Got to a small village called Wytham and continued
left until I reached a big road with lots of traffic. At that point, I followed a train inside a forest, but realized I probably had been running for nearly 30
minutes and went back, stopping at Wytham for 1 minute to have a look at a
monument dedicated to those dead during WWI.
Back in the hotel, dinner was very good again, and this time we had
pre-ordered, so it was kinda fast. The rest of the night we spent exploring a
few more distros, and me doing the last few NMU's of the day. Most
libtiff3g-using packages were fixed at that time. At 2AM, I finally went up to
the room, leaving jdub and matt behind.
Wednesday 11th
Carlos woke up quite early, but I managed to oversleep and missed the daily
meeting. LaMont was looking for attendees for the first of his BOF's and
finally managed to get some. The last tiff transition NMU really didn't want
to compile as it uses an *insane* amount of diskspace that I don't have
available. I finally found somewhere else where to build & upload the NMU,
thanks to LaMont's magic. This time, before dinner, Keybuk, Teo and I went to
the gym and did some exercise. I just did static cycling, for the first time.
It's not too cool. It's boring, and it's very unlike real cycling, because the
resistance for the pedals is always the same (unless you change it, of course).
Real cycling has lots of effort changes, depending on the terrain's steepness,
etc. In the gym, all of that was constant, so I'm not sure how good of a
cycling training for a triathlon it makes. After 20kms in around 38 mins (I
guess), the machine said I had produced an average of 213 watts. I guess
you can charge a laptop battery with that. :) Tomorrow's running again, and
I'll explore a small trail near the main channel which seemed to be cool, but
I just discovered on my way back on Tuesday. It seems Lu also goes running
outside, so maybe we can make a group of sane people to go out tomorrow. :)
Dinner involved Indian food, and was buffett again. It looked very good, so
I asked for a bit of everything. My surprise when I started eating... dude,
that's _hot_! I had to drink 3 cups of water to get my mouth sensivity back,
ate the less hot food (with the advantage that my tongue wasn't feeling any
taste anymore) and went for a second plate with the least hot stuff. The other
people sitting at my table were largely amused by me shouting foul words in
And finally, after dinner, Keybuk organized his Evil Game Of Mao. Dafydd,
LaMont, Scott and a few others started a game with seb128 and me, the lonely
virgin players. The first rounds were horrible. The bastards just don't explain
anything, and the only stupid rule they do explain you forget almost instantly,
as you expect it'll be repeated if you ask. Not quite so. The game is full of
rules, but the intrepid new player needs to learn them by himself. Of course,
in the learning process, the rest of the players keep pointing out they have
broken this or that rule, and they keep drawing cards. After a few minutes I
had something like 20 cards in my hand, and you start with 5. After a while,
when I had started to get some clue, jdub, Martin Pitt and mdz joined the game,
being the first game for all of them. I had quite a nice time watching their
faces saying "What the fuck" every time the bastards gave them another card
for their collection. And the worst thing was when you started feeling a bit
confident about the rules, because every time one of the good players won, they
were allowed to add a new rule to the game, which of course they didn't
explain, you just found out the hard way.
The day ended with some major GNOME 2.7 breakage in Debian experimental,
which I'll start to take care of tomorrow, hopefully helped by JHM and others.
It's probably bedtime now, and oversleeping tomorrow seems quite inevitable at
this point already. I'll try not to...
Oh, before I forget. The weather, again... the day was quite ok in the
morning, but it has been raining for several hours now. Right now it's kinda
pouring. Sigh, I want my Summer back. I want my 35ºC!