Cinema d'Estiu de Benimaclet 2011
Yeah! It's
this time of the year: Friday evenings after work with your friends having some cool beer
on the streets, Saturdays around the nearby mountains for a good hike and
swimming in a lake or river, and good beach Sunday in a Valencian beach. And
for a great ending of a Summer weekend, a good indie movie in your
neighbourhood, reclaiming the streets and going back to our roots, when people
perceived the public spaces as theirs, and would bring foldable chairs out,
would gather with their neighbours and had a good after-dinner chat
a la fresca.
The always active
Associació de Veïns i Veïnes de Benimaclet
has organized, for the fifth year four cinema projections in Benimaclet's
square, which are open for anyone who wants to share good moments with us.
The program this year includes
Soul Kitchen (3rd of July),
When the Wind Blows (10th),
Concursante (17th) and
Moon (24th).
Before every movie, we'll enjoy live music by local bands, and projections
of good short films. We'll be happy to see you there, and remember you only
need a chair and some dinner... but be sure to be there a bit before 22:00:
last year this got so popular some people started having issues to find good
spots for their chairs!

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Cinema d'Estiu in Benimaclet 2010
Like other years,
Benimaclet's Neighbour Association
has organized a new cycle of film projections for the neighbours, by the
neighbours, with the intention to get people out of their homes and share
a good time with many others. Like in the other two editions, the selected
films try to deliver a message to the viewers, and this year the topics are
centered about labour and migration social issues. A change in this year's
edition is that there will be one more projection, for a total of 5 films,
every Sunday of July, at 22:00 in the Plaça de Benimaclet.
Last week, we saw El viaje de Teo, a Mexican film describing the
migration dramas going on in the Sonora Desert. This Sunday, we'll see
Arcadia, which will be followed by Recursos humanos,
Hijos de los hombres and La estrategia del caracol.
Before each film, some local artists will perform live for us. Make
yourself a sandwich, bring a chair to Benimaclet and enjoy some good
cinema with your neighbours every Sunday in July!

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Cinema de Barri in Benimaclet
Last summer we tried to organise a Cinema d'estiu movie projections
in Benimaclet's Church Square, in an attempt to promote social activities
in the street done by the neighbours, for the neighbours. The response was
very positive, and the first two projections attracted many people, who would
bring a chair and their dinner to the old town's square to watch a movie.
Unfortunately, the authorities, who were completely out of the loop, weren't
happy and on the 3rd week the Local police appeared and said that
that kind of activities needed official permits, and disallowed the
For this year's summer, we decided we'd try to do the projections once
again, and learned that only a legally-established organisation can do the
paperwork to get an authorisation. In parallel, some neighbours of Benimaclet,
who had liked last year's idea, were working on their own to repeat the
experience, and somehow Clara was contacted by them, and we ended up
collaborating. As these people are members of the Associació de veïns
of Benimaclet, there were legally able to do the paperwork, and soon we
agreed on the four movies for this year, to be played every Sunday of July
at 22:00h.
Our pick for Sunday 6th was Giuseppe Tornatore's
Cinema Paradiso, followed
on the 13th by
Elling, a Norwegian comical
drama by Petter Næss which I hadn't seen and I can totally recommend. Last
week we saw
Poniente, a Spanish film
by Chus Gutiérrez that focus on immigration issues in the South East of Spain,
based on the racist happenings of El Ejido of 2000. Finally, next Sunday is
the turn for some political action with
V for Vendetta. A note for
Benimaclet neighbours: if you don't come to see the movie, be aware that we
plan to pump up the volume a lot for this one. You're definitely going
to hear it from home. ;)
We're very happy about the response of the neighbours this year. Not having
done any effort to announce this around the city, except for a few posters
around Benimaclet during the last week of June, people clearly remembered
last year's experience and the plaça de Beni was full of chairs for
all three weekends. It really helps to turn around during a projection and see
so many people behind you participating in something you've invested some of
your own time and money. It's probably too late now, but there's some talk of
extending this to the Sundays in August, so we'll see. Also, we plan to do a
picaeta for attendees as a small closing party for this year's
See you on Sunday, and enjoy V!
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Independence Day
I could write about many things today, but I just saw the last 20 minutes
of Independence Day. I
had classified it as a "not worth the time" film when I first saw it a few
years ago, but today I got reminded of a few details that made me laugh again
at the stupidity of the whole thing.
It seems every spaceship out there lacks basic firewalling: we saw it in
SW: A New Hope and
SW: Revenge of the Sith.
Independence Day goes way further when the good guys use a virus to destroy
the powerful enemy.
There are other good moments, like when a young couple in the military base,
under attack, say "we'll die being virgins, but we'll die together", or when a
few jewish people are praying and ask someone else to join them... He objects:
"but I'm not jewish", and the priest (or whatever) says "nobody's perfect".
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Memoria del saqueo
Yesterday, Kiko, Belén and I went to the cinema to see
Memoria del saqueo
(Social Genocide, in the English translation), a documentary film about how
Argentina, one of the richest countries in South America, managed to go into
total bankruptcy, ending in the popular uprise and rioting of December
As the story develops, from the times of Videla's dictatorship, and through
the democratic presidencies of Alfonsín, Menem and De la Rua, you see how all
the layers of the Argentinian society have systematically used their big or
small powers for their own benefit, or to benefit corporations from other
countries. From politicians to the labor-union leaders, and including judges,
lawyers, businessmen or the Church, everyone did as much as they could to steal
from the Argentinian people, during decades. Menem was specially incredible, as
he didn't even care to hide anything, as you see in the YPF privatization
This is a crude film, and a feeling of impotence invades you from the very
beginning. The description of how the thousands of middle-class families
suddenly found themselves in poverty and without a job, and the poorer classes
suddenly suffered from desnutrition had me thinking "hijos de puta!" during the
two hours, specially during the description of the situation in Tucumán, where
many children died of famine, in a country with capacity to feed 300 million
If you still wonder how Argentina could get in that hole 2 years ago, this
is probably the perfect explanation.
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