Fri, 25 Jul 2008

Cinema de Barri in Benimaclet

Last summer we tried to organise a Cinema d'estiu movie projections in Benimaclet's Church Square, in an attempt to promote social activities in the street done by the neighbours, for the neighbours. The response was very positive, and the first two projections attracted many people, who would bring a chair and their dinner to the old town's square to watch a movie. Unfortunately, the authorities, who were completely out of the loop, weren't happy and on the 3rd week the Local police appeared and said that that kind of activities needed official permits, and disallowed the projection.

For this year's summer, we decided we'd try to do the projections once again, and learned that only a legally-established organisation can do the paperwork to get an authorisation. In parallel, some neighbours of Benimaclet, who had liked last year's idea, were working on their own to repeat the experience, and somehow Clara was contacted by them, and we ended up collaborating. As these people are members of the Associació de veïns of Benimaclet, there were legally able to do the paperwork, and soon we agreed on the four movies for this year, to be played every Sunday of July at 22:00h.

Our pick for Sunday 6th was Giuseppe Tornatore's Cinema Paradiso, followed on the 13th by Elling, a Norwegian comical drama by Petter Næss which I hadn't seen and I can totally recommend. Last week we saw Poniente, a Spanish film by Chus Gutiérrez that focus on immigration issues in the South East of Spain, based on the racist happenings of El Ejido of 2000. Finally, next Sunday is the turn for some political action with V for Vendetta. A note for Benimaclet neighbours: if you don't come to see the movie, be aware that we plan to pump up the volume a lot for this one. You're definitely going to hear it from home. ;)

We're very happy about the response of the neighbours this year. Not having done any effort to announce this around the city, except for a few posters around Benimaclet during the last week of June, people clearly remembered last year's experience and the plaça de Beni was full of chairs for all three weekends. It really helps to turn around during a projection and see so many people behind you participating in something you've invested some of your own time and money. It's probably too late now, but there's some talk of extending this to the Sundays in August, so we'll see. Also, we plan to do a picaeta for attendees as a small closing party for this year's cycle.

See you on Sunday, and enjoy V!

Llevo siguiendo tu blog desde el día del accidente de metro de Patraix. Además de compartir ciudad tenemos dos aficiones en común, el software libre y el cine. Os felicito por la iniciativa del cine en Benimaclet, espero poder acercarme algún día.
Como ya sabrás, otro de los acontecimientos reseñables del verano es la filmoteca d'estiu. La razón por la que me he decidido a escribirte es para informarte de la censura que ha ejercido la Generalitat en esta edición. Se había programado un ciclo sobre la guerra de Irak, pero al parecer no ha sentado bien a algún engominado y se ha caído misteriosamente de la programación.
Más información en <a href="">klartelera</a>

Posted by Jose at Sat Jul 26 12:05:43 2008

Hola Jose!
Pues precisamente el viernes fui a los Babel y cogí el programa de la Filmo d'Estiu y me quedé un poco extrañado por no encontrar el ciclo de Irak. Tu explicación me ata ese cabo suelto. Es por eso que se hizo un ciclo sobre Irak en julio en La Nau de la Universitat?

Què fort...

Posted by Jordi at Mon Jul 28 19:44:27 2008