Remember when my bike was stolen two months ago? I was pretty pissed off, and I still remember. :)
The first thing I had to do was buy a 10 trip ticket for València's Metro system. These tickets are quite expensive, more than in Madrid or Barcelona, but fortunately I normally can go everywhere cycling and don't use the Metro much. Actually, when the bike was stolen, it had been months since the last time I took it, but I relied on its unreliable system for a week or two while I got a new bike to get going again.
The first days were a bit painful, because there's not that many trains as in other cities, so it might take either 15 minutes or 45 to do the same distance, depending on your luck with connections and timetables.
After the first week, something changed in my perception of the service. Once
I had used my first five trips, I went into a Metro station and inserted the
ticket. When it came out, I noticed it had marked over the fifth slot again.
That happened a few more times; then the cancelling machines started printing
lines somewhere not on the ticket, and finally I got my gift, when on
another trip the cancelling machine said I had 128 trips left. Woot!
That means free rides for a looong time. The 128 figure is suspicious. Once,
I saw one of these machines open, and it was running MS-DOS, so who knows
what kind of overflow my card might have caused...
I could take advantage of this when mako came visit València and we shared the ticket for a week. We started calling it the "BLUE GOLD", and people would look at us oddly inside the train when he said "YOU'VE GOT BLUE GOLD, MAN!". The effects have gotten better lately: it now never marks anything and when I use it to open the gates to get out of the Metro stations, sometimes the machines go bonkers and leave the doors open, while their display reads Error, allowing people that haven't paid for a ticket an easy escape from the station. :)
The bad news is that this will end on January 31, as the fees have changed and the old tickets will be obsoleted starting on February. I wonder if I can easily find someone that uses the Metro more than twice a day and sparing the money would help his economy a lot. Or I could try to be selfish and sell it. 51¢ x ∞ sounds like a good deal.
While this happened, I didn't manage to fix up my new bicycle, and I managed to go through the worst part of winter underground. Hopefully I'll start riding it again next week, as this has been the longest period of time with me not riding bicycles at all in the last 9 years and you end up missing it.