Thu, 15 May 2008


And today, I finally turn 30. I've been grumpy about this day getting closer and closer for the last three or four years, which have passed in front of my eyes with me nearly not noticing.

The last year has had more downs than ups, and at times has been quite dark. I feel things are slowly getting better, and I spend more time looking forward than back, which certainly should help.

Tomorrow I'll hold a small party at home with some friends, but the big and proper event will be in September, when five or six people in our colla, born in 1978, will celebrate our 30th birthday, in a massive, weekend-long party already dubbed La festa dels excessos. You shouldn't miss this one!

Thanks to the many people who have phoned, texted or emailed me already. It reminds me that I'm surrounded by people who love me and were there when I needed them.

Whoa, 30. That's a long time to be gay!

Posted by Gazpacho at Thu May 15 11:09:32 2008

Happy birthday Jordi!

You will notice how sex is going to improve from now :)


Posted by Jordi Mas at Thu May 15 11:43:43 2008

congratulation, for i'll turn 30 this august, jordi didn't you find the right girl.

Posted by mimoune djouallah at Thu May 15 11:45:17 2008

The age is like a 600€ cat escaping the first time you open the door.

Posted by Jesús Corrius at Thu May 15 11:53:22 2008

Many Happy Years Ahead! :-)

Posted by Dread Knight at Thu May 15 12:23:58 2008

Happy Birthday!! Enjoy :)

Posted by Kartik Mistry at Thu May 15 13:01:31 2008

I also celebrated my 30th birthday this year but due to other activities only a few friends were celebrating with me. So I consider to celebrate the 31st birthday in a large way - and it is a prime anyway.

Maybe I'll switch to celebrating prime birthdays only :-)

Posted by Tobias at Thu May 15 13:20:29 2008

Per molts anys Jordi! (Happy Birthday!)

Posted by Epíleg at Thu May 15 15:27:38 2008

Happy birthday! But the embrace of the internet, while super-well intentioned, is not as warm as friends at hand. Have fun at els excessos :)

Posted by Andy Wingo at Thu May 15 16:40:57 2008

Happy birthday and enjoy many happy days in future:)

Posted by Vid Ayer at Thu May 15 16:49:10 2008

Happy Birthday my friend.....May The Almighty protect you and your family.......

Posted by nasrullah at Thu May 15 20:02:54 2008

Happy birthday Mallach, and remember «Visententa» all days. Nice to meet you.

Posted by jomuoru at Thu May 15 20:43:11 2008

Moltes felicitats, Jordi!!

I pensar que aquest dilluns era a València... ;-)

Posted by Francesc Dorca at Thu May 15 21:56:06 2008

Don't let the hype get you down. Turning 30 is awesome. I'll be doing it in 2018 - exciting to think how awesome FOSS will be by then!!!

Posted by Ryan Prior at Fri May 16 00:03:02 2008

We don't know each other, but please allow me to offer you a bit of counsel: fuhgeddabaoudit! I just turned 50, and I can tell you, it's ALL in the mind! Well, maybe a bit in the knee joints, etc., but not too much to worry about! Like Jordi says, enjoy the sex!

Posted by YuriBCN at Sat May 17 21:34:53 2008

very, very late, but happy birthday anyway! felicitations and whatnot.

Posted by daniels at Wed May 21 14:03:46 2008