Wed, 28 Feb 2007

Tasques, però en català

So Ross was offering fame and glory to whoever would add i18n support to his nice little Tasks program. Tasks seems like something I've been looking for (there's gToDo, but Tasks is simple and clean), and I haven't done much for GNOME in a looong time, and I was bored, and hey, I can use some fame and glory, so...

Tasks, in a language Jose María Aznar can read

I need to note that it took quite a lot more time to create this screenshot than writing the patch. Go my GIMP skillz!

And by the way, Ross, what does Paris Hilton say about applications with their main function in a file named test.c?

Fine! Now, can I translate it into the glorious Valencian language? ;)

Posted by simkin at Tue Feb 29 16:07:04 2000