Mon, 03 Jan 2005

Freeciv packages available

Following up to my previous post, last night I finished doing the Freeciv 2.0 packages for Debian. They are available in my temporary repository:

deb ./

My first tests unvelied a totally reworked and very much improved UI in the GTK client, which I hope everyone will like (everytime there's a change in the Freeciv client, there's a few users that send a few bug reports about them wanting an option to go back to the previous behaviour...), and there's a few obvious changes in the game, too.

The most noticeable was the introduction of the "Worker" unit, which apparently is a mix of Engineer and Settler, and thir areas of influence drawn in the map. People will also enjoy the fact that most of the popup windows have gone, and have been replaced by a tabbed interface similar to current browsers.

The packages won't be uploaded to Debian officially yet. I want to find out how far away the final release is.

My latest post also triggered a few comments and mails. Johan sent me a nice pic about the funny things that can happen in a Freeciv game. :)

Other plans for Freeciv in Debian include the upload of new tilesets, at last, and sorting out the licensing doubts over freeciv-sound-standard, so people can use a sound pack easily.

I'm still playing too much MAME.

Nice. I have tried them - it's amazing :)

But I've a problem with i18n support - it doesn't work :(

I'have tried to switch to german, like described in the wiki on But it doesn't worked with de_DE or de_DE@euro . Are the packages build without i18n support?

Thx for your support and a happy new year.
Carsten Luedtke

Posted by acidman at Tue Jan 4 09:12:11 2005

You are right, I have identified the problem.

I will fix it soonish.

Posted by Jordi at Tue Jan 4 10:41:52 2005